synthetic or conventional oil

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The next time you walk in to your local shop to get your oil changed and the service attendant asks you synthetic or regular? You just might have to think twice before you answer…for the sake of your wallet, and yes, the environment too!

Always refer to your owners manual first,a lot of vehicles on the market these days only will use synthetic oil and you may risk voiding your vehicles warranty if you do not comply.But if you do have a choice between the two types of oil, here are somethings to consider.

advantages of synthetic oil :

  •  last longer (up to 3 times)
  • lower volatility and therefore not vaporize out the exhaust as quickly.
  • less resistance in the engine and therefore offer overall efficiency
  • Boiling point is very high and will not breakdown as easily.
  • It flows very well in extreme cold weather and provides immediate protection to moving components upon startup.
  • Greener for the environment.(less oil changes = less used oil )

The only disadvantage of using synthetic oil is its cost, It could cost 2-3 times the conventional oil.